Thursday, 7 March 2019

SQLServer Module in PowerShell

SQLServer Module in PowerShell

If you are not already using this modal as a DBA it’s well worth a go.  In it you will find some great ways to administrate your database servers from your desk top.
To install it just open ISE and type:-

Install-Module –Name  SQLServer
Or to get the very latest (at the time of writing)
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -RequiredVersion 21.1.18080
You might find that you don’t have admin permissions to install it for all users, you can get round this by installing just for your user with:-
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser
Also you may get an issue as parts of this modal may exist, so go for the below that will allow overwrite:-
Install-Module -Name SqlServer –AllowClobber
So the whole thing:-
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -RequiredVersion 21.1.18068  -Scope CurrentUser  -AllowClobber

So what can it do?
Well almost anything, have a look for yourself here:-
Get-Command -Module SqlServer -CommandType Cmdlet | Out-GridView

But here are a few of the top picks I think are worth an explore.
Use this to search the SQL error log for set words or strings, can be very useful for looking for stack dumps or log in failures.
Does what it says on the tin, there are a number of availability group modules that are worth a look.
Start-SQLInstance , Stop-SQLinstance
Great for controlling SQL from afar.
Again great if you need to remove a login on all servers quickly.

Have a look about, and tell me your favourite commands.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Audit nightmare - show all users with write access to a database

we have all been asked that age old question by an auditor to show all users that have write access to a database.

We all know its not an easy thing to show.

I think this script answers that question:-

select 'below shows users who have explicit insert, update, delete, alter, or control permissions:'

Select As Principal,
       class_desc As PermissionLevel,    permission_name As PermissionGranted,
       ObjectName = Case class When 0 Then DB_NAME()
              When 1 Then OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(major_id) + N'.' + OBJECT_NAME(major_id)
From sys.database_permissions As DP
Inner Join sys.database_principals As P On P.principal_id = DP.grantee_principal_id
Where permission_name In ('insert', 'update', 'delete', 'control', 'alter')
And state = 'G'; -- Grant

select 'below shows users who have built-in role membership that allows write operations:'

DECLARE @command varchar(1000) 
SELECT @command = 'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'') 

Select ''?'' as databasename, As Principal, As DBRole
From sys.database_principals As P1
Inner join sys.database_role_members As RM On RM.member_principal_id = P1.principal_id
Inner join sys.database_principals As P2 On P2.principal_id = RM.role_principal_id
Where in (''db_owner'', ''db_datawriter'', ''db_ddladmin'')
CREATE TABLE #role (databasename varchar(400), principal varchar(400) , dbrole varchar (400))

EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command

DROP table #role

select 'below shows users who have DBO on a database'

CREATE TABLE #rolemember (databasename varchar(400),  dbrole varchar (400))

SELECT @command = 'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'') 


Select ''?'' as databasename, SUSER_SNAME(owner_sid)
From sys.databases
Where database_id = DB_ID();


INSERT INTO #rolemember 
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command

SELECT * FROM  #rolemember 

DROP TABLE #rolemember 

select 'Below shows users who have role membership at the server level that gives them write access to the database:'

Select As Principal, As ServerRole
From sys.server_principals As P1
Inner join sys.server_role_members As RM On RM.member_principal_id = P1.principal_id
Inner join sys.server_principals As P2 On P2.principal_id = RM.role_principal_id
Where = 'sysadmin';

select 'Below shows users who have permissions granted at the server level that gives them write access to the database:'

Select As Principal,
class_desc As PermissionLevel,
permission_name As PermissionGranted
From sys.server_permissions As SP
Inner join sys.server_principals As P On P.principal_id = SP.grantee_principal_id
Where permission_name In ('control server', 'alter any database')
And state = 'G'; -- Grant