You box is dying fast! You need to get your databases to DR. No one wants to sit and right click each. So here is the quick way:-
DECLARE @DBName sysname
Declare @SQL nvarchar(1000)
Set NoCount On;
/*Get first database where it is online and part of a mirror as principle role and is synced*/
SET @DBName = (select min (name)
from sys.databases
where [state] = 0
and database_id in (select distinct(m.database_id)
from sys.database_mirroring m
where m.mirroring_role = 1
And mirroring_state = 4)
while @DBName is not null
Print @DBName
/*Alter database to fail over to partner*/
Set @SQL = 'Alter Database ' + quotename(@DBName) + ' Set Partner Failover;'
Print @SQL
Exec sp_executesql @SQL;
/*Get next database that is online and part of a mirror as partner role that is synced*/
set @DBName = (select min( name)
from sys.databases
where [state] = 0
and database_id in (select distinct(m.database_id)
from sys.database_mirroring m
where m.mirroring_role = 1
And mirroring_state = 4)
and name > @DBName
DECLARE @DBName sysname
Declare @SQL nvarchar(1000)
Set NoCount On;
/*Get first database where it is online and part of a mirror as principle role and is synced*/
SET @DBName = (select min (name)
from sys.databases
where [state] = 0
and database_id in (select distinct(m.database_id)
from sys.database_mirroring m
where m.mirroring_role = 1
And mirroring_state = 4)
while @DBName is not null
Print @DBName
/*Alter database to fail over to partner*/
Set @SQL = 'Alter Database ' + quotename(@DBName) + ' Set Partner Failover;'
Print @SQL
Exec sp_executesql @SQL;
/*Get next database that is online and part of a mirror as partner role that is synced*/
set @DBName = (select min( name)
from sys.databases
where [state] = 0
and database_id in (select distinct(m.database_id)
from sys.database_mirroring m
where m.mirroring_role = 1
And mirroring_state = 4)
and name > @DBName
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